Thursday, March 25, 2010

We Have Arrived

March 25, 2010

We're in London!

The plane rides were pretty uneventful from Seattle to London. We had a lay over in Chicago in between and everything was on time and running smoothly. I somehow ended up in an exit row seat the first flight which was great cause I like to pretend that my legs are long and I need more room than the average person to stretch out. The longer, international flight I got an isle seat in the front. Hilary on the other hand ended up in the back of the plane in the middle of 5 seats. It looked miserable when I went back to visit her. The guy I was sitting next to was in the military along with his 2 friends who were in front of us. One of the flight attendants found this out and upgraded my seatmate to first class - his friends had the bulkhead of the plane so they already had a good amount of leg room. Hilary was then able to move up next to me. I didn't realize airlines dotted on those in the military so much. They were also given free alcohol and the flight attendant checked on them a lot more than anyone else it seemed. I guess it could have helped that they weren't particularly unattractive either. :)

Once we got in to London it was pretty easy to get on the Tube and get to the stop our hostel was located on. Once we got off the Tube it was a different story though. We walked in a complete circle looking for Kings Cross Road (because of course we didn't look up how to get to our Hostel before hand, that would have been too easy), which you think would be somehow attached to Kings Cross Station. But surprisingly, it's not. And of course it was raining, not bad though, and it was actually kind of nice since we had been stuck on a plane for over 10 hours Plus it reminded us of Seattle, which was comforting in a way. It took us a while to figure out where to go but we eventually made it. The upcoming weeks should be interesting once we have to start finding our way around in foreign languages.

It's around 9am Seattle time (+7 hours London time) and I am definitely lacking in rest. Between not getting much sleep my last night in Seattle plus not really sleeping on the plane I think I'm running on probably 4 to 5 hours of sleep in the past 2 and a half days. I am also in a desperate need of a shower... which are coed in this hostel so that should be interesting. I haven't seen them yet so who knows what they actually look like, but I'm up for the adventure. I figure if I can run a naked lap (yes, for everyone who knows what that is I really did run one, I don't have enough money to keep cooking meals) then I can take a shower with some foreign dudes, haha. Hopefully it isn't that drastic though.

Our plan for the rest of the day is to get some pub food, shower and sleep with the intention of waking up tomorrow with lots of energy and officially on London time -- we'll see how well that game plan pans out. As far as plans for tomorrow, we've got none. Or I should say I don't have any. For all I know Hilary has the whole thing planned out, which would totally work for me. I enjoy not having to plan.

All in all, the first day and a half could not have gone much better. No luggage problems, no hostel problems, no major transportation problems, I'm a happy girl. Now on to the food, shower, sleep, and maybe a little English beer...


  1. Woohoo! You made it! OMG - London! I liked the Natural Hitory Museum...I know pretty boring, but the entry is free. Have fun!

  2. London is so sweet. Have fun with the jet lag for a few days. You should try and hit up brighton if you have time. pretty cool down there.

    Travis Hilbert.
