Friday, April 2, 2010

Dancing on Tabletops

April 2, 2010 Continued

It was almost around eleven by the time Hilary got off Skype and we were ready to leave for the party. Since it was so late and after a lot of debating and figuring out our different tactics we decided not to go to the Easter party and instead wait for our host Kevin to get home with a new CSer who was staying with us that night. The new girl was Sophie and I love her. She's originally from China, but studied and works in Germany and is in Brussels for a concert on Sunday night. She speaks German, Chinese and English fluently.

Kevin has another CS friend, David, who was hosting people so we all decided to meet up at a bar. Or so we were told. This bar ended up being a pretty packed club called La Corbeau which had people dancing all over the place including on the tables when we walked in. After some looking around and a lot of pushing we found Kevin's friends. David was there with two girls who were from a small country near Russia which I did not catch/understand the name of and another girl who lives in Germany by is originally from Poland, Katinka. The connections made through cS are amazing.

The night pretty much consisted of drinking and dancing all night long. Eventually we all ended up dancing on the table tops. Kevin's friend David was a sweet dancer and at one people we sang a duet of Barbie Girl, it was fantastic. Not sure I ever saw myself dancing on tables in my lifetime but it was a great night and I had a blast. I think we got to the club around midnight and left around 4am. Hilary and I are obviously not used to these nights out since bars in the states close at 2am and they usually tell you to leave around 1:45. At around 3am things were starting to slow down and it was really hot and smoky in the bar so Hilary and I decided to step outside for some fresh air. We were sitting on the side walk when I few Croatian guys saw us from a street away and decided to come over. Only one of them spoke a little English so he attempted to talk to us. They all spoke French which Hilary understood but she wanted them to go away so she pretended like she didn't. Essentially the conversation consisted of them asking us if we were on vacation. We said yes. They asked us if we were English. We said we were from America. They asked us if we could see our passports. We said no. They asked us if we were lesbians. We said no. Then the guy proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was. Ha. It was probably the most random conversation I've had. Eventually Katinka came out and saved us from the guys. We went back in to the club and when the guys tried to follow us in the bouncer came over to ask us if we wanted them in. We told him we didn't so he kicked them out. I didn't know bouncers were that nice but this guy was great.

So I'm not sure if it is because I'm in a different country, because guys here don't really know how to speak English if guys are more willing to make a fool of themselves here or if American's are just way to obsessed with trying to get laid compared to Europeans; but Europeans know how to hit on a girl way better than American men. They way they come up to you is just so endearing it is hard not to smile and at least have a small conversation with them. One of the best ones so far happened at the club when a man came up to me, touched my shoulder than blew a kiss with his mouth, grabbed his heart and told me I was beautiful. They don't take themselves seriously here and it is way easier to flirt and have fun.

Anyways, after a full night of dancing away we headed back to Kevin's around 4am with me, Hilary, Sophie and Katinka in tow. Katinka hadn't coordinated with her CS host very well and ended up having to stay the night with us because she couldn't get in to her place. By the time we all got home after an interesting car ride and in to bed it was probably a little after 5am. Loved it.

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