Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Harder Klum

April 13, 2010

Since canyoning was out of the question and we woke up today with clouds cover the top of Jungfrau Simon recommended a local mountain to climb to the top of for some great views. Off we went to find the top of Harder Klum. Simon described the hike as an 'easy 2 hour hike.' Hilary and I disagree with this description. It was about a 2 hour hike, but easy it wasn't. I'm pretty sure we are just both extremely out of shape, but I was hurting about half way up. Turns out drinking, eating badly and lack of exercise doesn't prepare one for hiking in Switzerland very well -- who would have guessed.

The top was worth it though. The views of the highest peaks of the Swiss Alps were gorgeous. I could go on and on about this, but I'll be posting pictures to facebook soon so I'll let you look at them and understand for yourself. The top was completely empty though. A huge benefit of traveling when we are is that it is right in between the winter and summer busy season so there are hardly any tourists around. I love it.

We got back from the hike just in time to run to the grocery store and get dinner. Everything in Interlaken closes around 6:30, included the grocery stores. Life of a small town. Simon ran into several people he knew and we followed him around like lost little puppies. I get this feeling a lot with our hosts. It isn't their fault, we just never know what we are doing or where we are going so we just follow, follow, follow. Dinner was great -- and much cheaper. We were exhausted from the hike and wanted to get up early to hopefully get good weather and make it up to Jungfrau.

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