Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lauterbrunnen Waterfalls

April 14, 2010

When we got up this morning the weather wasn't good enough to go up to Jungfrau, sad. Thank goodness for Simon. He suggested a town close by which is known for it's amazing natural waterfalls and great views, Lauterbrunnen. We were sold and headed on our way. We took a pretty cheap train and started hiking in the valley. It wasn't steep, thankfully. I don't think our legs could have taken another day of straight up hiking. The waterfalls we saw were beautiful. I love waterfalls so I was in heaven.

We walked all the way across the valley which was completely surrounded by the Swiss Alps. What a surreal feeling. I felt so small every time I looked up and saw such gigantic and gorgeous mountains all around us. When we got to the end of the city there was a tram that took us up to the top of some of the mountains. We stopped at 5361 feet up. The mountains were even more beautiful and the town was even more dead. It was a great, quiet walk albeit very, very cold. We walked through the ton and then took the train down. It was around 5pm by this time so we waited for the 5:30pm train back to Interlocken and grabbed dinner on the way. Simon has to go to Czech tonight around 7pm for his job so we have the place to ourselves.

We made an big, yummy dinner, did some laundry, watched a movie, contacted more CS people and skyped people from back home. There isn't any sort of night life here and I have a feeling we are going to have a long couple of nights ahead of us between staying with a Rugby player at our next city and then being in Munich for it's mini-Oktoberfest for Saturday through Monday. I'm excited!

I know these posts have been short but there is only so much you can say about how beautiful a place is. And since all we've really been doing the past three days is enjoying amazing hikes there isn't all the much to say. I'm sure this'll change in upcoming posts though.

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